Job location
Syria - Homs
Moscow, Russia
Name: Berro Fouad, Birthdate: August 17, 1996, in the Syrian Arab Republic, the city of Homs. In 2013, I graduated from high school. In 2014, I entered Al-Baath University, Homs, Syria, Faculty of Dentistry. In 2019, I completed my studies and graduated from the university, in the specialty "dentistry". In 2019, worked as a dentist in a private dental clinic in Syria. In the period from 2019-2021, I studied in clinical residency at the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov at the Faculty of Maxillofacial Surgery. I received a diploma of completion of residency and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty: “Maxillofacial Surgery”. In 2022, I started my PhD studies at the Department of Maxillofacial, Plastic Surgery and Dentistry of the Moscow State Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov.